Here’s an article that lays out the argument for alkalizing foods vs. acidic foods which has been around for a while but still rings true….
Natural News – Wednesday, August 6, 2014 by: Dr. Sofiya
When people hear the words “acidic foods” it is likely that they think of many of the citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits, that often have high levels of acidity. However, health experts say that these foods are actually beneficial to the body and do not cause it to produce high levels of acid. Acid foods to watch out for include wheat, dairy, fish, carbonated drinks and meat.
These foods produce more acid during their digestion which can lead to a number of problems. The Alkaline Diet, as former Spice Girl turned fashion designer Victoria Beckham has gushed about, focuses on consuming more foods with high alkaline levels due to its benefits to the body. These foods include raisins and kale. Both of these foods have been shown to help lower the risk of diabetes, reduce the risk of inflammation and aid in weight loss.
Studies back the addition of more alkaline foods to the diet
According to a study that followed 66,000 women who were all teachers in France, and whose results were published in the November 2013 issue of Diabetologia, researchers wanted to understand the link between their diets and their rate of developing type 2 diabetes. Over the course of following the women for 14 years, researchers had the women eat diets that allowed them to note whether high quantities of acidic foods raised their risks of diabetes and if eating more alkaline foods helped protect them against one of the biggest killers, diabetes.
This study did show a frightening correlation between eating a diet of foods that produced excess amounts of acid upon being digested. One particular finding that worried researchers is that normal weight women showed a higher risk for developing diabetes when compared to their overweight counterparts. When the body processes foods, acid is produced. The body must rid itself of any extra acid in one of two ways: either through the kidneys or when breathing out.
Alkaline foods can help the outside of the body
An increased risk of type 2 diabetes is not the only harmful effect that can result from eating too many acidic foods. By eating more foods that are high in alkaline, the skin looks healthier. Eating foods that are rich in alkaline enables the basal cells of the skin to get the nutrients they need to glow and look fresh. Alkaline foods improve the flow of blood to the surface of the skin, flush the skin cells with the enzymes they need to be healthy and provide a natural barrier against harmful effects from life such as pollution, stress and lifestyle.
Eating a continuous diet of foods that produce acid when they are digested – meats, fish, diary, sodas – can cause people to look and feel older. In addition, the health risks of such a diet can last a lifetime.